This blog is a little late, but better late than really later. So I 'Red Box'd' the movie "Julie and Julia" around Christmas time. I'm a guy who likes chicks and chick flicks. Plus I like cooking and blogging and so this seemed to be a good movie to watch. I wasn't able to watch the movie until Christmas morning. In fact, I made it my goal to stay in my PeezeeJeezee's and watch the whole movie and not move until it was over. So I start to watch the movie and my brother- in- law Daniel starts ironing the clothes of my niece and nephew to get them all spiffy to see family. Shortly following my lil bro Blaise comes in the living room and starts wrapping gifts. I'm blogging, Daniel's ironing, Blaise is wrapping and we're all watching "Julie and Julia" and SUPER in to every second of the movie. (Somehow my sister ended up staying in her room the whole time.) Haha! A funny moment of men getting in touch with their other side. Whatever, the movie was great (so go watch it) and it inspired me to keep blogging. (BTW, this blog isn't updated much, but you can check ilovemusubi.com if you want to read the blog I put all my energy in to.)