Some of you will know, and some of you won't, so let me explain eS-yoU-Pee. SUP is the abbreviation for "Stand Up Paddle". Stand Up Paddle is the latest "not as NEW as you think" phenomenon in surfing and water sports. I'm not a SUP historian, so I'm not gonna go there. I know the guys in Hawaii have been SUP-ing for five years or so, and I also remember a few years ago when Laird (Hamilton) was all up in the surf news buzz for SUP surfing somewhere in CAli (Malibu I think). From my perspective, Laird was the one who revealed this thing and got everyone curious as if he was in the water on a UFO.
Another term for SUP-ing is "sweeping" due to the way one looks when they are standing and paddling in the water. I like that term, but I'm not sure if it's a disrespectful term, so I'm not gonna use it much until I know for sure.
A couple weeks ago I received a call from Dave Daum, designer, shaper and owner of King's Paddle Sports. One of our mutual friends had informed Dave that I might be capable of performing certain creative duties for his new brand of SUP Surfing boards. We met one morning to see if there was a fit, and two days later I was ok'd to begin designing his first run of print ads.
I teamed up with Scott Hancock from The Glue Network, an old friend with a habit of laying things out nice and clean, and we delivered a product Dave and the family were stoked on. It also looks like the door is open for more opportunities to help develop the King's brand, so I'll keep you posted.
I am so thankful for the work, and I'm stoked to be a part of this growing sport. Some surfers have mixed views on SUP, but that's mainly due to the fact that a wave can be taken over by SUPr's since they can get in to the wave a lot earlier than others. I think that we should all be able to share waves, take turns, and "cheehoo!" another surfer that get's a sick one. So as hard as it is, try not to be selfish out there no matter what vehicle you're riding.

If your curious about this sport, I have links below that you can click on to edumacate yourself. SUP-ing is a great full body/core workout, and many Hollywood stars and off-season athletes have invested in the equipment to keep in shape. I admit....I've had MANY chances to try but have not. I've been hesitant because I'd rather just catch waves and surf than spend time getting up and falling down, and getting up and falling down. I guess you have to start somewhere, and now that I'm gonna be working with SUPr's, I best man up and get my sweep on! I have no excuses!
King's Paddle Sports
Stand Up Paddle Magazine
Surf and Sail Stand Up Journal