When you think of Japan, what are the first things that come to mind? In my mind I think sushi, great packaging, people with mad steez, and cars that last well over 200,000 miles. Well the Japanese are pretty consistent, so I can almost write the same line over again for the reissue of a Japanese baseball classic, the 1940 Sportshu. The shoes will have great packaging, mad steez, and you should get some great walking miles out of these puppies. My friend (more like brother) Vincent Marjes is part of the team that is putting on the North American premiere of these at Conveyor in Santa Monica, so check the flier and show up at the event if you want to be cool. PF Flyers is only releasing a very very limited amount, so if you're a sneaker connoisseur and want to add the Sportshu to your collection, you best get there early!