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Yep, that's me and the Beat Freaks. I haven't uploaded all the photos, so this is just a teaser. More to come...........
Don't let the photo fool you. We ain't tight or nothin, but I do hope to shoot some real photos with them soon. I'm gonna pursue it, we'll see if it happens.
My brother in-law gave me the task of planning a surprise birthday for my lil' sis, Tish. I was stoked to take on the mission, and I immediately thought of Isabel's Cantina (IC), a steezy lounge style restaurant in Pacific Beach. I hadn't been to IC in a few years and remembered that I always liked their "interesting" food and the chill environment they produce. I don't know how, but I also had some sort of clue in my mind that they would be great to host a small private party, so I gave them a call.

In short, I called IC and after a little bit of phone tag, Isabel and I talked everything over. I gave her an ideal price that I thought everyone would be able to afford (in these slim times) and she went to work to put together a menu that would fill our tummies and fit our budget. Two days later the menu was emailed to me, I gave my feedback, and it was all good. She also mentioned the menu items would all be served "family style", and I was excited about that.

The whole of the night ya'll can see in the photo album. Bottom line is that my sister was surprised, and EVERYONE who attended was impressed with the work of Isabel and her staff. The food was super taste bud stimulating, the ambiance was stylish-ly comfortable, and the freakin flourless chocolate cake is too delicious to describe with my fingers and a keyboard. Of course I also have to mention that Kelly and the staff were very nice and worked hard to make things happen on a busy Saturday night. I guess my only disappointment is that we weren't able to meet Isabel herself, but maybe next time, and for breakfast. Coconut French toast will break your mouth!

P.S. The whole "Cantina" thing can throw peeps off, especially in SoCal. Isabel's Cantina is not an enchilada serving, mariachi playing mexican style restaurant. IC (to me) is a full fusion style restaurant that mixes flavors that aren't normally mixed. Isabel is a chef with an artistic view on food, and the kitchen is her studio in which she creates flavorful and edible sculptures.
P.S.S. My blogging skills are limited. It's late, I'm tired, and I don't know why the layout is all weird. I will sleep now, and I know you can still read the blog. Thanks for tolerating.
Link to photo album
Link to Isabel's Cantina
Isabel has a book you should buy
How many of you that know me, know that I spend a few hours a week making fresh flower leis? It's odd in a cool way, I know. It all comes with having a family owned store called Motu Hawaii. We've been bringing "aloha" to San Diego through products like leis, li hing mui snacks, soda crackers, Locals slippers, aloha shirts, hula implements, music and sooooo much more since 1995 (that's 14 years, bu!) Although it's a family thing (my uncle and I laid the floors down in this place), I also consider Motu Hawaii a client. I'm able to help with the marketing, merchandising, and buying of products. Working retail once in a while helps keep a fresh perspective on things since I'm so used to being on the "other side" of retail. I recommend that any marketing or design person take a part time retail job once in a while. It's a great way to understand the buyer and consumer perspective. If you're in the Pacific Beach area, or if you have a special occasion coming up that would be complimented well by a fresh flower lei, please stop by and throw some shakas my way. Click on this link to get to the Motu Hawaii website.Disclosure: Plumeria flowers have a wonderful fragrance, but please don't try to smell the one that I am holding in the picture. You might jack up your monitor.
When you think of Japan, what are the first things that come to mind? In my mind I think sushi, great packaging, people with mad steez, and cars that last well over 200,000 miles. Well the Japanese are pretty consistent, so I can almost write the same line over again for the reissue of a Japanese baseball classic, the 1940 Sportshu. The shoes will have great packaging, mad steez, and you should get some great walking miles out of these puppies. My friend (more like brother) Vincent Marjes is part of the team that is putting on the North American premiere of these at Conveyor in Santa Monica, so check the flier and show up at the event if you want to be cool. PF Flyers is only releasing a very very limited amount, so if you're a sneaker connoisseur and want to add the Sportshu to your collection,
you best get there early!